i hate you

lm i x update kan.
sorry.no mood.takde mse plus dkt kolej
i punye bb x byr.MALAS.tawu?haha.
now i kt ruma.mama nak i balik dis week.
rindu la tu.alalala.hehe

noting much nk update.

before that,
to all girls outside there,
seriously i dun need a backstabber okay!

wadahel kau nk jage tepi kain orang eh?
kau punye kain tu memang da terjage rapi ke?

i hate you madafakar!
pandai ye kau berlakon dpn aku.
haa,da kasar ni.
sorry ye peeps,
panas sgt la ouhhh.haiyaaa.

agak agak if kau tak sebok
pasal hidop aku memang taboley ye?
wadapak u!

Sometimes it’s easier to trust someone you don’t know because you
don’t expect too much instead of the person you know very well,
the person you trusted so much and hurt you so deeply.

get lost bitchhh!